
A List Of Thoughts In My Head

1. My legs REALLY I've done tons of manual labor or some sort of intense workout. If you know me, you know I've done neither.
2. I love this granola.
3. I need to pack. Kinda last minute trip to Conway this weekend.
4. I remembered my Dad's birthday on Tuesday, got him a gift and everything, but forgot to call him. I'm in trouble.
5. Rush looks cute in this onesie.
6. I don't like when it rains. I hate feeling like a prisoner in my home.
7. I want Schnucks tomato bisque for lunch, but don't want to go get it.
8. I think I'll have a Boca burger instead.
9. I am not going to presume that my sin isn't just as bad as anyone elses.
10. Maybe I have a blood clot in my legs?

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