
Things I Don't Understand

1. "A stitch in time saves nine."
2. Google Wave
3. Who I Am (beyond just Mommy right now)
4. Yawns...what they are and why do we do them
5. How people gossip without even considering the pain it can cause other people
6. Multi-step instructions. 2, okay. 3, I'm all, whoah
7. Twitter
8. Soccer
9. Why pennies are still around
10. The appeal of the Matrix movies
11. How people can hurt babies
12. The tennis scoring system


  1. this list thing is brilliant...keep it up...also that answers #3, you're brilliant; now, act like you know

  2. yawns have something to do with your diaphragm... google it.
    I totally agree with 5,7,10, and 11
    And.. you are a great friend!
