
W's Pastimes

1. Playing games on my iPhone
2. Eating. She prefers to have a snack with her at all times.
3. Puzzles
4. Pushing/pulling things around...her grocery cart, the laundry basket, stroller, pull toys
5. Singing (well, making me sing and just clapping for me. it does wonders for my ego)
6. Being read to--she just keeps bringing me book after book after book
7. Taking her clothes off, then running from me when I try to put them back on
8. Playing tug or chase with Puddy
9. Wrestling or being piggy-back carried with Daddy
10. Watching TV (I try to limit, but yesterday she watched Grey's Anatomy with Aaron)
11. Standing on the blanket box and turning the living room light on and off
12. Watching videos of herself on the computer
13. Hiding in her cardboard box

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