
Things I Don't Like

1. Piles (papers, toys, clothes, etc)
2. Blogs that have music on them. Nothing scares the crap out of me like a sudden, loud, Christian song.
3. Cow milk
4. "Muddy Face" as Kelli from Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders calls it
5. Times Square
6. Anything coffee
7. Cleaning bathrooms
8. Staying up late
9. Lady jeans on guys
10. Manjewelry
11. The following songs: Barbie World, How Bizarre, Who Let The Dogs Out
12. Gooey Butter Cake
13. Tank top sweaters
14. The "Rachel" haircut
15. Orchestra performances
16. Highlighter markers
17. Hair that is crunchy


  1. How can you not like gooey butter cake!?! =)

  2. what is a tank top sweater? and a "muddy face"??

  3. I concur about the blog music. ANNOYING. And just so you know, I changed my facebook profile pic, I never thot people would think I was trying too hard. But maybe they do?!?!...

  4. And... aren't you glad I found you're other blog... hehe. Actually I've been blog stalking it for a while now. I just decided to tell you. :)

  5. whoops. "your" other blog.

    Sorry for so many comments. I just can't help but correct myself!
