
What's Going On With Me

1. Sinus pressure
2. Runny nose
3. Raw nostrils
4. Headache
5. Sore neck
6. Sore back
7. Watery, burny eyes
8. Sore, scratchy throat
9. Tiredness
10. Chills


A's Honey-Do List

1. Disassemble the jumper and store
2. Help me with the laundry room
3. Store ladder and pack-n-play
4. Get rid of pile of books
5. Move exercise bike
6. Trash and recycling
7. Help me with party invitations


Target Buys Today

1. A's undershirts
2. Window crayons (a la Greta)
3. Greeting card template for computer
4. Ohs! cereal
5. W's milk
6. Chocolate soymilk
7. Orange juice
8. Party favors
9. Contact solution
10. Grapes
11. Dora stickers
12. Pedialyte
13. Sippy cups
14. Trash bags


Why I'm Just Now Getting Around To This

1. I was at Missy's this morning.
2. My kids are both a bit sick.
3. Our house is freezing and my fingers don't feel like they should be typing.
4. Both kids napped at the same time (never happens) = Mommy napped.
5. I have a little case of "list block" lately.
6. Anytime I get near the computer, W wants to be on my lap, typing keys, too.


What I Need To Get Done

1. Order W's birthday party invites
2. Plan a trip to Fayetteville
3. Get a system of organization for W's art supplies
4. Get R's dry head check out by the doctor
5. Buy R some shoes
6. Clean the laundry room
7. More stuff to Goodwill
8. Print some photos of the kiddos
9. Cut out collage pictures
10. Figure out a Chicago trip


Crayola Names I Like

1. Wisteria
2. Tickle Me Pink
3. Timberwolf
4. Raw Sienna
5. Unmellow Yellow
6. Purple Mountain's Majesty
7. Outer Space
8. Purple Heart
9. Shamrock
10. Granny Smith Apple
11. Beaver
12. Cadet Blue
13. Mauvelous
14. Blue Bell
15. Eggplant
16. Blush
17. Twilight Lavendar
18. Shadow
19. Wild Blue Yonder
20. Sunglow
21. Mountain Meadow
22. Manatee


What I Can See In My Open Cabinet

1. Baked Scoops
2. Garlic parmesan Popchips
3. Oyster crackers
4. Green puffs
5. Tortilla chips
6. Planters peanuts
7. Nutritional yeast
8. Craisins
9. Rotini pasta
10. Orzo
11. Peanut butter
12. Garbanzo beans
13. Cream of mushroom soup
14. Lentils
15. Quinoa
16. Fiber One Pancake mix
17. Malt-O-Meal
18. Nature Burger
19. Tea bags
20. Minute rice
21. Canned pumpkin
22. Brown rice
23. Popsicle molds
24. Mandolin


Cute Things W Has Said Lately

1. Toots come out your butt.
2. I cannot fly!
3. Rush pooped on the floor.
4. No! I do not want to do that!
5. Dora! Come back! (when Dora was over)
6. I try on these boots.
7. Daddy is a big girl.
8. She tooted, turned around in surprise, and said, "Puddy tooted."
9. I paint so pretty.
10. I watch ice gate please momma? (we have been watching A LOT of Olympics)


Donuts This Morning

1. Jelly-filled sugar
2. Glazed holes
3. Chocolate cake
4. Chocolate long johns


Things I "Got" From My Great-Aunt Mert

1. I cut pizzas in rectangle slices
2. I store crayons in empty cool-whip tubs
3. I love backscratches
4. I try to build card houses
5. I sing "Down in the Valley" to my kids
6. I think tacos would go well with any meal
7. I love costume jewelry
8. I fell in love with a man who eats roasted peanuts on a daily basis
9. I use bed pillows in the living room
10. I serve Kool-Aid with dinner
11. I add cheddar cheese to Totino's Party Pizzas
12. I love Patsy Cline


What's On My Night Table

1. Lamp
2. A diaper (unused)
3. W's hair elastie
4. Remote control
5. Sophie the Giraffe
6. The Fobot
7. A Tonka truck
8. My Bible in a Year reading plan
9. A Little Giraffe blanket
10. Women of the Bible devotional


Stolen List! Best Family & Kid Websites From

1. Mumsnet ( is a tip-swapping, advice-proffering, review-writing, experience-sharing hub of parental activity.

2. You can search for your ancestors and build a family tree on Genes Reunited(, Britain’s most popular family history site.

3. If you’re searching for ancestors abroad, Family Search (, a free resource of international genealogy records, is a great place to start.

4. Samurai sword or detachable claws? It’s a tough call. With Marvel’s Create Your Own Superhero( you can choose a name, face and costume, then add finer details to your character.

5. Peppa Pig’s fantastic site ( lets your littl’uns upload their drawings, play games, read online books and watch videos of their favourite hog.

6. Okido ( is an art and science magazine for kids from the ages of two to seven, with a graphic illustration style that will please even the most discerning parent.

7. Owlkids ( has links to Owl, Chirp and Chickadee magazines, three separate Canadian nature and learning sites for three different age groups.

8. Cool Mom Picks ( has, yes, cool stuff for parents and kids, including wooden toys, handknitted dolls, unique jewellery and clothing, all available online.

9. Motherlode (, the New York Times’ parenting blog, covers topics like ‘Helping Our Children With Stress’ and ‘Miss, Mrs or Ms?’ with intelligence and humour.

10. Ohdeedoh ( is the children’s section of the Apartment Therapy site: not just interiors but also good ideas about design and life with kids in general.

11. At Sesame Street ( there’s everything you’d expect from a show celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. Educational and fun, with a section for nostalgic adults.

12. Mibo ( has cute print and cut-out projects you can buy for cheap and download to make at home.


Commonly Misspelled Words Beginning With An "N"

1. Necessary
2. Necessity
3. Nickel
4. Niece
5. Nineteenth
6. Ninety
7. Ninth
8. Nonentity
9. Noticeable
10. Notoriety
11. Nowadays
12. Nuisance
13. Numerator


What I Forgot To Buy At The Grocer

1. Sweet potatoes
2. Orange juice
3. Kidney beans
4. Diced tomatoes can
5. Spray butter (sounds awesome, right?)
6. Chicken bags (again, yum.)
7. Baked Ruffles
8. Waffles
9. Chex Mix


What's Up Today

1. Ate some yummy lunch
2. Made brownies
3. Having father-in-law over for Valentine's dinner
4. Watching Pebble Beach Pro-Am
5. Watching Olympics
6. Cleaning the laundry room
7. Making dinner
8. Getting flowers
9. Watching R have a blast pulling on a mylar balloon string
10. Took a good bath


What The Kids Are Doing This Morning

1. Eating pancakes
2. Watching Sesame Street
3. Whining a little
4. Playing with the flyboat and the Wonder Pets
5. Looking at pictures on my phone
6. Playing in the tunnel


Why My Husband Is Awesome

1. I got a box of Liz Lovely cookies in the mail last night.
2. He gives me back massages and head rubs any time I ask.
3. He always wants me to spend time with my friends.
4. He takes care of all the manly business at our house...trash, recycling, electronics, moving things, etc.
5. He is so much fun with the kids...they LOVE when he gets home.
6. He becomes a better man every day.
7. He always tells me he loves me and that I am pretty and a great wife.
8. He puts up with me. I know I seem so awesome on my blog (right?) but I am not totally awesome.
9. He makes me laugh a lot.
10. He provides well for our family and is wonderful at financial planning and money stuff.
11. He's good at picking out gifts for me.
12. He pursues God.
13. He's good at cheering me up.
14. He can put the kids back to sleep better than I can.



1. I do not like "Parents" magazine. It has been coming to my house for almost 2 years now, and I've never paid for it. I'll probably get a huge bill someday for it, and it will make me hate it even more.
2. I think I spend too many minutes each day making weird faces into my stainless steel tea kettle.
3. My hands are freezing right now.
4. Quote of the week last week at home. Dad says, "She's asking ME where her calculator is. Like I know. I've never used a calculator in my entire life."
5. I've been really homesick for a long time now.
6. I really want to take a bath now, but my sick daughter being hosed off in it so many times is kinda ruining it for me. And I'm too tired to clean it.
7. I am excited for the new InStyle magazine that came yesterday.
8. Nothing sounds good to eat for lunch...Ohs! cereal it is.
9. Project Runway tonight :)
10. W is going to have a Wonder Pets birthday party this year.
11. I want to plan a weekend trip. Jenny, are you with me?
12. There is a banner outside on the next building that says, "Save a Trip. Go online!" I wish they'd take that down.


What I've Cleaned Today

1. Kitchen counters
2. Unpacking from trip
3. Puke off of my daughter
4. Poop off of my son
5. Crusted diaper cream off of my daughter
6. Puke off of my floor, bed, duvet, duvet cover....
7. Dishes
8. Not myself, at all


Weird Town Names in Arkansas

1. Hogeye
2. Ink
3. Greasy Corner
4. Wiener
5. Success
6. Pickles Gap
7. Smackover
8. Romance
9. Cotton plant
10. Toad Suck
11. Hardy
12. Gid
13. Marked Tree
14. Apt
15. Stamps
16. Lepanto
17. DeQueen
18. Bald Knob
19. Goobertown
20. Pea Ridge
21. Peterpebder
22. Possum Grape


Morning Grocery Run Included...

1. Diapers
2. Diaper cream
3. Pedialyte
(W's sick)


Cookies I've Eaten Today

1. Carrot cookies
2. Snickerdoodles
3. Reeses Pieces No Bakes
4. German chocolate brownie


Little Wishes I Have

1. I wish I had kept all of my notebooks and textbooks, etc. from my early childhood education major.
2. I wish we got Sprout and Nick Jr. at our house.
3. I wish it were summertime all year round.
4. I wish some of my out of town friends and family lived in STL.
5. I wish I had live in house maid.
6. I wish David Gray would play my birthday party.
7. I wish Amy Poehler were back on SNL.
8. I wish R would sit up.
9. I wish t-shirts were all made a few inches longer.
10. I wish it were considered cool to wear fleece union suits out and about in the winter.


Arkansan Fiascos (so far)

1. W dumped smoothie on my mom's new carpet
2. R pooped out of his diaper at the Box Turtle
3. I didn't pack clean pants to fix #2
4. W barfed on the table at Bossanova at dinner last night
5. I spent my entire month's fun budget on a necklace at Box Turtle
6. I have dropped two cans of food on my right foot so far this week
7. R pulled a plate of pizza off the counter and it shattered
8. R pulled a plate of spaghetti off the table and on to my lap

What My Toddler Does To Pass Time In The Car

1. Counts cars or buildings
2. Looks for birds
3. Play "Elmo Says" with me
4. Make me sing her songs
5. Plays with toys
6. Reads books
7. Asks, "What's that?"
8. Does the family roll call
9. Counts to herself
10. Sleeps


Colleges I Was Accepted To

1. University of Arkansas
2. University of Central Arkansas
3. Ouachita Baptist University
4. Auburn University


What Was In My Juice This A.M.

1. Apples
2. Oranges
3. Squash
4. Rainbow Chard
5. Pears
6. Lemons
7. Carrots


Sports I'll Watch On TV

1. Professional golf
2. Cardinals baseball
3. Duke basketball
4. March Madness college basketball
5. Arkansas Razorback football
6. "Big Game" matchups in SEC football
7. Olympics- anything
8. Figure skating, gymnastics, cheerleading...girly sports
9. I'm going to fall back in love with Dallas Cowboys football next season


What's In My Bowl

1. Orzo
2. Peas
3. Wilted spinach leaves
4. Garlic salt
5. Pepper
6. Parmesan cheese shreds
7. Roasted red peppers