

1. 23- pounds R weighs
2. 3- years since my last period
3. 6- kinds of beans in my pantry
4. 8- number of times W said "It's Diego!" during the opening song of Go Diego Go!
5. 11- balloons still floating up on our ceiling
6. 1- shower I took this weekend
7. 5- muffins R, W, and I ate this morning for breakfast
8. 26- size of my new jeans. I'm back!
9. 3- pieces my vase broke into when R pulled it off the coffee table
10. 35- how old my dog is in doggie years
11. 5- years I've been married
12. 26- ounces of formula/milk R drinks per day
13. 50- blocks we average on our walks a day
14. 4- times P goes out a day
15. 5- different cars I've had since I was 16
16. 3- loads of laundry I folded last night
17. 431- posts on this blog so far
18. 6- warm lentil salads I had last week
19. 1- "F" I received in 18 years of education--and it was NOT deserved
20. 0- number of my kids socks I've lost so far
21. 10- hours of sleep I got last night
22. 3- pillows on our living room couch
23. 14- times I've been snow skiing
24. 16- cars I can see out of our window right now
25. 31- how old I am


  1. Will you please help me get my life organized so that I won't lose socks? And by "muffins," do you really mean cupcakes?

  2. 50 blocks a day....and city blocks! You and that double stroller are moving!
