
What I'm Into Lately

1. Coconut water
2. My steamer...naked steamed broccoli is my current favorite
3. Knowing secrets
4. Baby boy snuggling
5. Little House on the Prairie
6. Keeping things clean
7. Looking at houses for sale
8. Grocery planning and budgeting
9. Max and Ruby
10. Herbal water


  1. ooo, do you know any secrets? if so, you have to tell me.

  2. are we that boring and mom-ish that the only secrets would involve pregnancies? surely not.

  3. I think I should try coconut water! What is it?

  4. Angie, it's the "water" that is extracted from a young coconut before it actually turns into milk and coconut "meat." It's really high in potassium and electolytes....think a healthier version of Gatorade. It's pretty trendy right now, so I think you can buy it anywhere.
