1. Most hummus (except for the hummus at Boulevard in Little Rock)
2. Male contortionists
3. People who always present their opinion as fact
4. Those auto decals that show the little boy peeing on the Ford (or Chevy) sign
5. Male erection med commercials, like "viva viagra"
6. Pens that leak out blobs while I'm writing
7. Goat cheese
8. Meat (in general) but esp. when it's described as "juicy," "tender," "crispy," etc.
9. Crocs
10. Electric can openers...how lazy can we get?
11. Cats (except for Ava and Lucy...I've got nothing but love for you guys)
12. Needles!
13. Huge bows on little girls
14. Driving on the big highway
15. Anything coffee or coffee flavored
16. When a thank-you note from CHRISTMAS finally gets returned to me for insufficient postage because it is a square and needs more than a normal stamp