1. I'm glad it's over just because I won't ever have to look at "Crazy Island Claire" and her horrifying ponytail again.
2. I wish Desmond did voiceovers for my life.
3. I think the finale was warm and fuzzy good, but could've been so much more awesome.
4. I would have loved some closure on the Others and the Dharma Initiative, and other island mysteries.
5. I felt like the Jack and Kate love story was so contrived at the end.
6. Miles' dad from the Dharma Initiative videos creeps me out.
7. When "Zeke" rolled up in the boat, demanding Walt, was one of the scariest TV moments for me. I had nightmares for weeks!
8. Was Ethan in real life really Tom Cruise's cousin?
9. How did Hurley never lose any weight on the island?
10. Jack is pretty hot.
11. I never liked Juliet until her and Sawyer got together. Anyone who could love that hair deserves a second chance, in my book.
12. What about those polar bears???
13. My favorite Sawyer nickname? Smokey.
14. Sun was always my favorite character. (She was my "which Lost character are you?" answer on facebook)
15. I completely forgot about Shannon and Sayid. Shouldn't Nadia have been his true love?
16. Poor Michael, whispering on the island forever. Lesson learned...don't be a jackass.
17. The best and worst moment of Lost history for me was Charlie flashing the "Not Penny's boat" note up to Desmond. TEARS!
18. I think of those Losties every time I get on a plane.
19. I like that in the finale, Eloise didn't want to see Daniel go. Made up a little for her shooting her son.
20. I loved that the sideways world ended up being what the characters created for themselves...what they needed to be happy, make up for mistakes, find one another, etc.
21. Laughed for so long when I read yesterday that someone online wrote, "It's not okay if Libby had to remain in a mental hospital for 1,000 years waiting on Hurley to die and reveal she was not mentally ill."
22. Charlie and Claire's "waking up" island flashbacks were the best. I was crying.
23. Lapidus reminds me of someone I know. Maybe Kenny Loggins? Sawyer called him Kenny Rogers. Hmmm...
24. Looking back, my favorite characters were Charlie, Miles, Desmond, and Sun.
25. Maybe I should watch it all again this summer?
26. Remember how scary the Others were?
27. LOVES that Desmond listened to Mama Cass in the hatch.
28. Watching Lost has definitely made me smarter. Boy, do you have to catalog information to view that show.
29. I wish Kate's jeans throughout the series were bootcut instead of such a flare leg.
30. There are never that many beautiful people on flights with me.
31. I think if I were a Lostie, I would've been friends with Claire and Sun and thought that Jack was always being bossy.
32. And Kate would have definitely annoyed me.
33. Did they ever explain who was responsible for the Dharma food drop-offs from the air?
34. I did like the concept at the end about there not being a "now" and people all dying at different times and waiting on Jack. That was interesting.
35. Thank goodness Locke had all those crazy knives on the plane with him.
36. At the beginning of the series, their clothes were colorful and normal for being everyone's luggage from a flight. Clothes became more and more dark, monotone, and outdoorsy as the series progressed.
37. Claire's (crazy island Claire) little stick/feather/random crap baby was a bit unsettling.
38. "I love you, Penny." Wish my name was Penny.
39. Jin and Sun-a love story for the ages
40. Another favorite moment- when Locke was screaming at the hatch, then the light came on from inside.
41. Ooo, Henry Gale was good and creepy.
42. Wish Charlie had been on longer. But loved that he died a hero and it was calm and beautiful.
43. W was in and out while I was re-watching the pilot. When the plane was crashing, she said, "Oh no! Dora and Boots will help them!"
44. Flashback, Flashforward, Flashsideways....oh my goodness, how did I keep up?
45. Can't believe Sawyer jumped out of that helicopter.
46. Boone and Shannon...never liked those two.
47. Loved the whole Dharma in the 70's time.
48. They are all so good with guns!
49. Ana Lucia- maybe my least favorite character on Lost.
50. Helen played by Peggy Bundy. Interesting choice.
51. Loved all the cultural references and loved all the characters passing one another when they didn't realize it.
52. Just making this list makes me love the show even more!
53. Gosh, I will miss Lost. Now A and I are down to only 2 shows we watch together...Biggest Loser and Fringe.