
Lists For This Blog I Have Trashed, For Various Reasons

1. Places in my house my kids have puked- I wouldn't want anyone to feel uncomfortable on any of our furniture, etc.
2. My Favorite People- let's be honest, some of you wouldn't be on it
3. Lists that were just too negative...those aren't good for anyone
4. Bad thoughts I've Had About My Husband Today- Ha! I love him, but sometimes...
5. Why I Am Better Than Most. It started out tongue-in-cheek, but I think I really believe it
6. Well, and there are a couple more, but I shouldn't say


  1. was i on your favorite people list? see what you did; now we all need to know.

  2. (Andy said....)
    Send me that "bad thoughts about my husband list," I am always looking to improve.
