
Good Office Moments

1. When Michael burned himself making bacon in bed on his George Foreman grill
2. When Michael is confronted about his "Miss Terious" ladies suit
3. When Micheal asks Ryan to come into the stall to help him- "bring a towel"
4. Kelly singing the boyfriend song after Jim and Darryl played ping pong
5. When Darryl taught Michael those lines to use at corporate
6. Ryan asking Bob Vance, "Now what line of work are you in again?"
7. Meredith's outfit at the company picnic playing volleyball
8. Michael's face when Meredith flashes him after the office Christmas party
9. Michael saying he always makes too much guacamole
10. Moes (what is his name, Mose? Moes?) running alongside Jim's car when they were driving to the beet farm
11. Dwight freezing Angela's dead cat in the freezer and it clawing through the bags of frozen vegetables
12. Michael asking Holly, "Did Darryl touch you?" on the drive to Utica
13. Michael drinking his scotch- "tastes like splenda, gets you drunk like scotch"
14. Kevin learning to transfer calls and Andy says "you're murdering the Nard Dog"

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