
Unlikely Benefits of Having a Baby and a Toddler

1. Prime parking in the "new and expecting mothers" spots at Schnucks
2. People don't judge you as harshly for walking your dog downtown in your jammies
3. Always have wipes (they come in handy for me more than they do for R & W)
4. I eat and act better when little eyes are watching me
5. Watching Wonder Pets! is actually entertaining for me
6. People let me cut in line at Whole Foods...every single time
7. Winnie got a free donut (that I ate) at Donut Drive-In the other weekend
8. People bring you food a lot
9. Strangers give you sympathetic looks when you still have bed head at 4:00 pm

1 comment:

  1. Wonder Pets is exactly the show I would have loved when I was little. Makes me think of Shirt Tales and Get Along Gang.
