
Things I Try To Avoid

1. Aspartame
2. Parabens (in bathroom items)
3. Sulfates (in bathroom items)
4. Phalates (in bathroom items)
5. Hydrogenated Oils
6. High Fructose Corn Syrup
7. Dyes in food
8. Orange cheese has been freaking me out lately. I only take white now.
9. Food labeled "Diet" or "Fat Free" (and etc). That usually comes as a trade-off for scary ingredients. I'll take the fat or calories instead of the scientifically engineered chemical replacements any day. Or, I go for the lowfat option, especially with dairy products.
10. Chlorine


  1. Wow Cary those are all of my FAVORITE THINGS. I make sure my kids shampoo with V05, drink 4 diet cokes a day and end it all with some cheetos and diet jello while cleaning the toilet with industrial strength cleaner and chlorine. Okay, not really, I am same on all that but can't seem to give up my toilet bowl cleaner or swimming. What do you use to clean your bathroom?

  2. My bathroom is sponsored by Seventh Generation cleaning products and Mrs. Meyers "Comet" replacer. It works well. I love the Seventh Generation toilet cleaner.
    The Coaliers look like a V05 family.
