
Recent Art Purchases

1. A medium-sized Alicia LaChance painting that is darker than our other ones. Her black flowers, a red block with a navy curve, green flowers, a mustard stripe, and a orange ring over a tarnished black square.
2. An Aaron Hequembourg 2D piece...old hymnal pages on wood salvaged from a cotton gin. It has a plower and horse etched on it. It's definitely not my "style," but I love it.
3. A Nathan Falter, from Springfield Pottery, piece. Black and white container shaped like a trough that has the number 33 painted on the side.
4. A black and white photo of a grasshopper's body from the side. It's been colored with pale green pigment. It's tacked onto a piece of plaster with these old tacks. I wanted it for two months. That's as long as I could wait. The artist, Michael Paul Cole, is resetting it for me, because I did not like the frame he was showing it in.

1 comment:

  1. I wish there was a link to each one of these because they all sound really cool!
