1. Certain meat describers are so disgusting sounding that I don't understand how people can eat them...sockeye, black and blue, angus
2. I spent about 5 minutes trying to force Words With Friends to accept the word "sfear" because I was convinced that was the correct spelling (sphere).
3. My nephew calls them "taters." A little redneck, but a lot of precious.
4. My MIL says croissant very strangely. Also Costa Rica.
5. I can't talk because I say many words strangely. See
6. "Mama" was both of my children's first words. It is my very favorite word. Until they turn 2-and-a-half and say it every five seconds. Over and over for no reason.
7. I wonder if the person who named it the "internet" wished they had spend more time thinking of a different name. Al Gore, sorry, I don't think this goes to you.
8. Why do the hipsters call it internets? Clearly, I'm not hip.
9. I love the concept of onomatopoeia. (zip, drip, pop...especially ones with "p")
10. I also love alliteration.
11. I generally like all the words that are pasta descriptors...cavatelli, macaroni, tortellini, vermicelli, etc.
12. I am pretty good at word games like Scrabble, Catch Phrase, Taboo or my favorite, Scattegories!
13. I used to read the dictionary when I was little
14. I was eliminated in one of the biggest spelling bees of my elementary school career (I ended up 3rd in the conference, I think) with the word "possession"
15. Persnickety is a fun word. As is crotchety.
16. I was attempting to teach W about words that rhyme. It was hilarious hearing the stuff she came up with.
17. I would love the job of naming the streets in a neighborhood. I could knock it out of the park. But I do appreciate city downtown's that use the number/letter system.