
Things That Are Called Different Names In Our House

(for the sake of my daughter or coined by my daughter)
1. Ketchup bites = Boca burger chunks with ketchup on them
2. Black sprinkles = chia seeds
3. Sprinkles = parmesan cheese and wheat germ
4. Pink ice cream = strawberry ice cream
5. Daddy cereal = Corn/Rice Chex
6. Dusting = flaxseed meal
7. Piggies = either toes or pigtails/ponytails
8. Butt sticks = tampons (that was coined by W-she's the only person who uses that one)
9. Medicine = anything I don't want them to mess with
10. Aaron cereal = Quaker Oat Squares
11. Arkansas = my parent's house
12. Little Rock = Boulevard Bread Co.
13. Mommy job = anything I don't want her to do