
Who I Have Text Conversations With Right Now In My Phone

1. My husband
2. Jaimie Alley
3. Mom
4. Linda Reinberg
5. Matt Dean
6. Tracy Dean
7. Jenny Lay
8. Aaron Reinberg
9. Missy Lang
10. Amber Edmondson
11. Katy Martin
12. Greta Coalier



1. We all slept in until about 8:00
2. We are out of groceries, so mealtimes were creative
3. I let the kids watch Lion King and eat popcorn at 10:00 a.m. I needed to not be a mom for a while.
4. No one took naps. Probably thanks to sleeping late and watching movie instead of being active.
5. I managed to fold and put away a sea of laundry with the swarming children.
6. I made some granola bars.
7. I let the kids watch Clifford, and I took a bath. (I know, the TV was my babysitter yesterday)
8. We ran to Target for a few needs.
9. My mom and dad and nephew got into town in the evening for a few days!


My Internets

1. My favorite thing online might be Design Sponge's "Living In:" posts where they give shopping guides for beautifully styled movies. I love it because it is the same way my mind works and would have loved to have thought of that idea first.
2. The only random "personal" blogs I read are Daily Garnish (because she's a vegetarian/vegan like me and we have similar food taste) and Fly Through Our Window (because her blog is fun and I wish we were friends).
3. I also love the apartment therapy family of blogs, which also includes kitchn and ohdeedoh. I check them a couple times a week for great references, links, ideas, etc.
4. I keep up with all of my friends blogs with the blogroll on my family's blog.
5. I watch a lot of music videos on YouTube.
6. I have 61 recipes saved in my recipes bookmark.
7. The only other websites that are regulars for me are Mint (we use for our budgeting), Woot shirts, facebook, 101 cookbooks, and Hogwired (to keep up with my Razorbacks).


Times I've Been Terrified

1. Tracy, Jenny, Jenny's friend Erin, and I were once chased by a bull (horns and all) across a field.
2. I've also been chased by a gaggle of geese. Once at Centennial Country Club, but I was in a cart, so I narrowly escaped. The other time I was lying on the ground (!) at Des Peres Park and got pecked a bit.
3. Seeing my baby sister floating under water with her arms raised for help at my aunt and uncle's neighborhood pool when she was about 3. My dad had to jump in to rescue her.
4. My friend Tasha and I were chased from the city pool to her dad's body shop by a man saying, "girls...girls...girls..." over and over.
5. Some of my guy "friends" (I have to put it in quotes because no actual friend would do this to you) tried to break into my rental house in college wearing black robes and Scream masks. I almost peed my pants.
6. A guy (I think he was drunk and trying to get into the wrong apartment) tried getting into my house once when my roommate was gone. He worked at that key for about 20 minutes. I hid behind the couch against the wall with my cell phone and woke up there the next morning.
7. Spinning and sliding all over I-40 at 3:30 in the morning on the way home from a late shift at Abercrombie in college during an ice storm.
8. When I thought I was having a heart attack a few years ago. After a trip to the ER, it was discovered I had costochondritis. So painful.
9. I was in one of my friends houses in college, and a small cat jumped onto the top of my arm, clawed itself in, and started hissing. I was shaking my arm violently and screaming, but it stayed on there. I hate cats.
10. When this (apparently cracked-out) lady got mad at me for going the correct way up the parking garage at Culinaria while she was flying down the wrong way and got out of her car and yelled profanities while hitting my window demanding I get out and let her beat me up. I did not get out, clearly.


7 Things About Me

1. I love Ashton Kutcher movies- Just Married, A Lot Like Love, Valentine's Day, Butterfly Effect...
2. I think my 2 sisters and brother are the most fantastic people and love being with them.
3. I have never been able to touch my toes or do a cartwheel.
4. I like wearing mens pajamas with the button-up collared shirts.
5. If it were widely accepted, I would go barefoot everywhere.
6. I would love to play violin.
7. I don't like school uniforms and wouldn't want to send my kids somewhere that enforced them.


Where Our Random Day Has Taken Us

1. Chesterfield Mall
2. Plaza Motors
3. Chick-Fil-A
4. Jewish Community Center
5. Sonic
6. Demun neighborhood
7. Schneithorst
8. And I will finish the day off at Greta's house


Target Shopping List

1. Face lotion
2. Swiffer Duster refills
3. Hangers
4. A Monchichi for each kid (my friend Amber texted me & said they were selling them & I couldn't be more excited!)
5. Dishwashing detergent
6. Laundry detergent
7. Cereal
8. Granola bars
9. Pineapple orange juice
10. Swimsuit for me

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My Last Supper, In Honor of Last Night's Episode of Top Chef

1. Eggplant parmesan
2. My mom's oven bread
3. A pile of sauteed veggies- squash, zucchini, carrots, onions, asparagus
4. If someone could do it, my great-aunt Mert's mashed potatoes and tiny cheddar cubes
5. An Arnold Palmer
7. A slice of peach pie with cinnamon ice cream
*Tell me what your last supper would be!


What I Wish I Had Right Now

1. Grape juice in those little cans with the peel-off tops
2. An attic fan
4. A contract on our loft
6. Fried pickles from Cock of the Walk
7. White cheddar dill soup from Oak Street Bistro
8. A massage
9. A backyard
11. My family all visiting St. Louis


On Today's To-Do List

1. Get a library card
2. Iron
3. Make popsicles
4. Walk to Kiener Plaza and CityGarden
5. W has requested a mani/pedi
6. Hold R down to cut his nails- it never goes well
7. Make muffins
8. Print off some color sheets from the web
9. The Butterfly House was on the list, but when we got there, it was closed Mondays. Errrr...
10. Fuel up my car


Possible Explanations For The Horrible Recurring Nightmares I've Been Having

1. Not getting enough sleep
2. Watching Revenge of the Nerds three times in one week
3. A marked increase of healthy fats and soluble fiber into my diet
4. I've also watched Precious and a documentary about the Crips and Bloods in LA
5. Yoga soreness
6. I still think my iPhone might give me cancer and I shouldn't sleep with it near my head on the night table
7. Falling asleep to the sound of Call of Duty: Black Ops every night
8. I've finally had enough Enya in the kids room (which in a loft might as well be in my room)
9. Neck pain
10. I've had alcoholic beverages twice this week
11. Anxiety over our house (not) selling
12. I think having children just makes you more fearful
13. Checking facebook before I go to sleep
14. Maybe the mattress needs to be flipped


What R Ate For Lunch Today

1. Nacho cheese Doritos
2. 2 strawberries
3. A lot of parmesan popcorn
4. 10-15 chunks of cantaloupe
5. Water

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I'm Attracted To These Ingredients In Recipes And Menus

1. Eggplant
2. Walnut
3. Gorgonzola
4. Garlic
5. Sweet potato
6. Roasted red pepper
7. Artichoke
8. Lentils
9. Kale
10. Avocado
11. Spinach
12. Buffalo mozzarella
13. Black bean
14. Coconut
15. Pomegranate
16. Key lime
17. Raspberry
18. Honey


Things W Points Out While We Are Driving

1. The Thomas the Train billboard on the highway
2. Any dogs she sees
3. Whole Foods
4. The church where Todd and Emily got married
5. The moon
6. The Arch
7. The cloud line that a jet leaves behind it
8. Red lights/green lights
9. Sonya's school (she's going there next year, and I think she'll continue to call it that)
10. Forest Park
11. A tire swing in grandpa and grandma's neighborhood


Drinks In Our Refrigerator

1. Silk plain almond milk
2. 365 2% milk
3. Lifeway lowfat Kefir
4. Mighty Mango 64 oz Naked juice
5. Power-C Naked Juice (4)
6. Red Machine Naked Juice (2)
7. Tropicana orange juice
8. Silk dark chocolate almond milk
9. Trader Joe's Fruit and Vegetable Juice Twist
10. 1 can Bud Select
11. 2 cans Budweiser
12. 1 orange Gatorade G2
13. 1 lemonade Gatorade G2


What I Like Right Now

1. Stripes
2. Walnuts
3. Headbands
4. Lisa O'Neill
5. Antique lamps
6. Soft things
7. Homemade pie
8. Dark heathered gray
9. Quilts
10. 9 hours of sleep
11. Brown ink
12. Orange spritzers


Movies I've Watched This Week

1. Paper Heart
2. Lucas
3. How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
4. Precious
5. Management
6. The Proposal
7. Revenge of the Nerds
8. Gossip

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Today's Run-Down

1. Took a shower with W
2. Blueberry muffin Larabar and almond milk for breakfast
3. Read some books with the kids
4. Lafayette Park with the family
5. St.Patrick's Day Parade downtown for a little bead-catching
6. Home for lunch...I had a veggie burger with a lot of fixins
7. Yoga at 3:00. Hurt so good.
8. Whole Foods on the way home for a bag of things
9. Dinner- Gardein-strip wraps
10. Baths
11. More books and hide-n-seek
12. Blogging and snacking and folding and watching TV
13. Early to bed


My Elementary School Young Author Books

this post is in honor of Sadie, a very hip gal
1. 1st grade- Pizza Day- about a boy named Jerry who wakes up to find his bedroom is made completely of pizza. He had to eat himself out. "First he ate the cheese, then he ate the meat."
2. Can't remember my 2nd grade book & my mom couldn't find it in my hope chest.
3. 3rd Grade- Pocket Full of Poems- a collection of whimsical poetry that won me some district awards
4. 4th Grade- Home Again, Maybe- a gripping tale of two young girls who were nurses during the Revolutionary War. I was DEVASTATED this one didn't win. I put my heart and soul into that book. Stupid Warren beat me with a nonfiction book about bees. Whatever.
5. 5th Grade- Missing in the Meadow- a total Last Unicorn rip-off. I didn't care. I was still mad about getting robbed in 4th grade.
6. 6th grade-Kara Deaning Private Eye- a young girl who lives a double life as a detective busts a cocaine ring. I wanted it to be in-your-face and real, but I think it was racially inappropriate



1. R went to "school" so I had the morning off
2. Went to Penzey's with Mis (got some Italian herb mix, freeze-dried shallots and a bunch of spice jars)
3. Got a mani-pedi
4. Went to Walgreens for multiple types of tapes and glues
5. Picked W up from school
6. Went to Crate & Barrel for a little saucepan and to buy a shower gift
7. Needed to kill some time, so I introduced W to the gloriousness of Sonic watermelon slushies
8. Picked up R
9. Ate lunch- big salad- while the babes napped
10. Made a hopscotch pattern on our floor with blue painters tape
11. Watched some Clifford with W and scratched her back
12. Cleaned the kitchen
13. Read about 100 books to my kids, engaged in some hopscotch
14. Ate late dinner- guacamole, nutritional yeast dip, chips
15. Watched Top Chef All-Stars
16. Couldn't sleep, so it was a rough night


What I Ate Yesterday. Not proud.

1. Glass of dark chocolate almond milk (so good! tastes like those old Sports Shakes from the 80s)
2. Blueberry Acai toaster pastry
3. Chickpea salad with Kashi 7-grain crackers and a water (the one redeemer of the day)
4. Cinnamon graham cracker with honey cinnamon butter on top, more choc. almond milk
5. 3 or 4 slices of 365 brand frozen cheese pizza, water
6. 4th meal watching Biggest Loser (Bob and Jillian would not be proud) of more chickpea salad and crackers
7. 3 Thin Mints
8. Some coconut pudding with more cinnamon graham crackers, orange juice
it was just one of those days



1. 5- loads of laundry I folded last night
2. 9- of my husbands shirts I ironed last night
3. 2- average number of crossword puzzles I do each day
4. 28- toy cars R owns
5. 10- times we've shown our loft
6. 4- times my dog goes "out" each day
7. 3- artificial succulents on our coffee table that look so real my dad attempted to water them once
8. 13- pillows in our home
9. 7- bananas in our fruit basket
10. 75- my class ranking when I graduated from high school
11. 52- apps on my iPhone
12. 27- days until my birthday
13. 6- how old my dog will be on his birthday
14. 10- decorative vases on top of my kitchen cabinets
15. 3- things I need from Crate & Barrel
16. 6- characters from Sesame Street I can see right now from where I am sitting
17. 8- about how many hours of sleep I get each night (I've heard even numbers are bad- you're supposed to get either 7 or 9 because of REM cycles or something?)
18. 3- things I got at REI yesterday
19. 29- pairs of shoes I own
20. 16- how old I was when I had my first kiss
21. 2- days a week W goes to preschool
22. 10- small kitchen appliances I have (rice cooker, panini press, popcorn maker, ice cream machine, waffle iron, electric griddle, blender, stand mixer, toaster oven, and microwave)
23. 40- toes in our family
24. 2- TVs we have
25. 11- hours (approx.) my kids get of sleep each night
26. 5- years I was in college
27. 5- big glasses of water I drink each day
28. 14- organizing boxes that are in our bedroom closet (not counting my 29 shoeboxes because I keep all my shoes in their original boxes)
29. 2- friends I talked to on the phone yesterday
30. 5- pieces of gremacha items W owns, but 2 more are in the works
31. 18- ideas I have bookmarked on the computer for our future house
32. 28- days until my daughters THIRD birthday
33. 26- links in my husband's bookmark file. Mostly news sites and t-shirt sites
34. 1- cup of food my doggie eats each day
35. 3- different types of nutbutters we have in our home right now (Natural Jiff, Sunbutter [sunflower seed] with flax seed, and PB2)
36. 767- lists I've made on this blog
37. 2929- songs on my iPhone
38. 4576- songs on in our laptop's iTunes
39. 1- fish we have
40. 7- things on my to-do list for today
for a couple more of these, click on the numbers tag


The Voice Memos In My iPhone

1. Albert screaming, "no, no, no, no!" (better delete that one, it seems really weird & I don't know why it's on there)
2. Me dictating a Whole Foods shopping list- eggs, waxed paper bags, strawberry chips, greek yogurt, & seltzer
3. Me saying Anthony Pack Urban Folk Art I was trying to remember to look up this artist I love who makes these cute little guys
4. Me dictating directions of how to get from my brother's house to my grandpa's house via the Hootentown bridge (it's really confusing and I used to get lost every time before I made this voice memo)
5. W when she was littler (last April) saying a list of all the boys she knows and all the girls she knows. I LOVE this one.
6. W talking about going to see my parents. We were on our way to Arkansas. "We're going to see my Googie! She's my girl! We are almost there!" Her voice sounds so sweet and little.
7. Me dictating songs I was listening to on a road trip for a previous list
8. My sweet nephew Rafferty singing the alphabet
9. W saying R's name for the first time
10. Rafferty singing Old MacDonald two summers ago
11. My other nephew singing some other song that I don't know, but it sure is cute
12. Him singing another song about not killing and eating animals- it's one of his originals that it awesome "don't kill any kind of fish!" is the last line of this version. I think it changes every time.


Favorite Saturday Night Live Moments, Of All Time

1. The Taco Town commercial. My favorite SNL commercial ever.
2. Speaking of commercials, Bad Idea Jeans, Finger Off, Mom Jeans, Colon Blow cereal, Big Red Viking, Chameleon XLE, Edible Diapers, Bass-O-Matic. I wish I had the time to link all of these.
3. Matt Foley the Motivational Speaker. "you didn't smoke it, did you?" My favorite skit ever.
4. Adam Sandler's "Red Hooded Sweatshirt"
5. The 1992 presidential many great Arkansas jokes!
6. The entire Christopher Walken episode. That one will be in our TiVo queue until the end of time. "My doll's name in Jenny..."
7. I love the current Miley Cyrus Show bits. That girl does a spot-on Miley..."It's pretty cool"
8. Oh goodness, the entire Best of Chris Farley. Anything Chris Farley. We used to watch that Best of Video that my friend Matt had on a VHS tape like twice a week in college.
9. My favorite Farleys...the Chippendales dancers, "diet starts monday" girls, Tales of Little Women, Beverly & Hank "ravioli? holy cannoli" (I esp. love any skits with Chris Farley & Adam Sandler, because Adam can never keep a straight face)
10. The old Jeopardy skits with Will Ferrell as Alex Trebec and with Burt Reynolds and Sean Connery.
11. The immigrants on the ship skit with Justin Timberlake
12. The Target Lady
13. The Bronx Beat ladies interviewing Jake Gyllenhaal "what are you, Sioux?"
14. My favorite Weekend Update host of all time- Norm McDonald
15. Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy ("If God lives inside us like some people say, I sure hope he like's enchiladas, because that's what he's getting")
16. Laser Cats. I can't help it.
17. Anything where the stars crack each other up
18. The "Tonight Song" that was the opening monologue hosted by Steve Martin. "not gonna get liquored up tonight...won't take a drink...til Update is through..."
19. The Oops I Crapped My Pants commercial. "Because I use them, and I just did"
20. Massive Headwound Harry ("maybe he smells my dog?")
21. Peyton Manning's United Way PSA. Another all-time favorite (a nod to Matt Alley's coaching style at Wheaton)
22. I can't choose between all the Wayne's Worlds
23. Michael Vick, Really?! "Do you not keep weed at your house?"
25. Bill Hader as Stephon


Jobs In My Family

1. My husband's a commercial real estate broker
2. My dad's a railroader
3. My mom and my mother-in-law are realtors
4. My little sister works at a bakery
5. My brother's a principal
6. My father-in-law, sister-in-law, and brother-in-law are all lawyers
7. My brother-in-law works for Verizon (after 15 years, can't I just call Ryan my brother?)
8. My grandpa is a retired soldier and medical prison guard
9. Another brother-in-law is in the Air Force Band
10. My sister-in-law works for the opera in D.C.


What We Do When We Have To Leave Our Loft For A Showing

1. Drive around and look at potential houses
2. Hang out with the Langs
3. Go to my in-laws
4. Spend way too much time at PetSmart (because Puddy's always with us, too)
5. Drive through Sonic
6. Go to Lafayette Park
7. Drive around while the kids sleep if it's nap time
8. Talk to my sister on the phone
9. Play scavenger hunts in the car like we were on a road trip vacation
10. Lurk on our street so we can see who's touring our loft
11. Go to SweetArt for cupcakes


When I Asked W What She Wanted To Do For Her Birthday, She Said She Wanted...

1. A present
2. A pink cake
3. To go somewhere on an adventure with mommy and daddy and R, but not Puddy
4. A fancy present
5. To go out to eat at a restaurant
6. Her cousins will come, too
7. Maybe watch a movie
8. Todd's restaurant (?) where the waitress gives you pizza
9. That's it


The Oscars

1. First of all, the biggest tragedy of all...I taped the wrong red carpet show. I taped the one on that was on the same channel as the show. SO, no E! red carpet. No Guiliana. I was awful.
2. Of all the movies represented in the nominations, I only had seen Black Swan, Winter's Bone, The Social Network, and Country Strong (it was in there for best song, don't hate).
3. Best dressed...I can't decide a winner. It's between Gwyneth Paltrow (the photos don't do it justice) and Cate Blanchette. Also up there are Michele Williams, Mila Kunis, and Scarlett Johansson (these photos really don't capture what they looked like on TV)
4. Everyone says how bad James Franco was, but at least he wasn't cheesy and over-the-top like his partner Anne Hathaway. I was rooting for him, maybe because for some reason, he reminds me of my nephew Rafferty?
5. Worst dressed, for me, was Amy Adams. The hair, the dress, the was hard to look at. I also did not like Nicole Kidman or Natalie Portman (NP was too matchy-matchy again, which was part of her problem at the Golden Globes)
6. At every awards show, there is a dress that I immediately love, then see it again and then hate it. Then I love it. Then I hate it. This continues...this dress at the Oscars was worn by Melissa Leo
7. I love Annette Benning. She is just radiant. And could her and Warren Beatty be any cuter?
8. My favorite quote of the night was James Franco's grandma saying, "I just saw Marky Mark!"
9. I thought the whole opening skit (Inception/Alec Baldwin's dream/movie sequence was funny.
10. I was sad that I didn't love any of Anne Hathaway's dresses (and there were plenty to choose from). Maybe Rachel Zoe's pregnancy brain is a little off.
11. Speaking of Anne, a few too many of her hairstyles looked straight out of "Princess Diaries."
12. Marissa Tomei looks so young! That woman is timeless. I thought she was Ashley Green the whole time they were interviewing her on the red carpet.
13. I am kind of obsessed with the fact that Michelle Williams and Busy Phillips are best friends. I love them. If only I had been cast as Joey Potter, I would not have married Tom Cruise and we would all three be best friends.
14. Florence Welch (from Florence + The Machine) was magic as always, but her dress was a little too reminiscent of Rachel Berry's during the Rachel Berry House Party.
15. I need to see King's Speech and The Fighter
16. I think next year I'll host an Oscars party.


My Embarrassingly Mindless Monday Night TV Lineup

1. How I Met Your Mother
2. Greek
3. The Bachelor
4. Gossip Girl
5. Cash and Cari