
My Internets

1. My favorite thing online might be Design Sponge's "Living In:" posts where they give shopping guides for beautifully styled movies. I love it because it is the same way my mind works and would have loved to have thought of that idea first.
2. The only random "personal" blogs I read are Daily Garnish (because she's a vegetarian/vegan like me and we have similar food taste) and Fly Through Our Window (because her blog is fun and I wish we were friends).
3. I also love the apartment therapy family of blogs, which also includes kitchn and ohdeedoh. I check them a couple times a week for great references, links, ideas, etc.
4. I keep up with all of my friends blogs with the blogroll on my family's blog.
5. I watch a lot of music videos on YouTube.
6. I have 61 recipes saved in my recipes bookmark.
7. The only other websites that are regulars for me are Mint (we use for our budgeting), Woot shirts, facebook, 101 cookbooks, and Hogwired (to keep up with my Razorbacks).

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